Hi I'm Sam.

I am an interaction designer who has experience within UX/UI design, sound design and audio creation. My approach to design tends to make use of developing multiple sensory connections with users, specifically within visual and audio interactions. I focus on combining physical user interfaces with digital screen-based designs in fun ways to create multisensory interactions that people have a seamless and memorable connection with.  


UI Design

Knowledge in developing intuitive and fluent digital and physical user interfaces.

Audio Creation

Understanding of designing digital instruments and the sounds within them as well as developing physical instrument interfaces.

Sound Design

Experience in creating audio within a design context both as sound effects and background ambiance.

UX Design

Skills in wireframe prototyping and development in both app and web contexts.

User Research / Communication

Practice in different methods for gathering user insights, interviewing and communicating with clients and developing designs based on user feedback.  

Brand Design

Experience in creating and developing brand identities and digital graphics that effectively represent designs.


Digital Interaction design BSc(Hons) University of Dundee 2019-2023